Friday, February 19, 2010

Very Bad Poetry

Yo, yo, yo,
where'd you go?
i totally miss you so,
and its it not like your hot
you talk and walk like a robot.
Go back to sleep,
so i dont hear a peep,
cuz you never stop talking
and i hate when you talk
i promise.
so do me a favor,
buy some ice cream that has better flavor.
cuz this taste like crap,
and i dont eat ice cream that taste bad.
You'd know that if you knew me,
cuz im me and your not,
so keep dreaming,


  1. WOw, wow dude
    your soo completely ganster
    This is a real crappy poem but somehow I could see this being a hit rap song.? Just saying get on that. Ha I love the part that you just throw in ice cream. classic!!!!
    keep up the poetry (and hopeful rap career)

  2. i hate your poem.
    except i kind of like the part where it says "you talk and walk like a robot"
    and gypsie
    except you spelled it wrong
    its actually gypsy

  3. This makes no sense but thats good. I think you should expand on the ice cream part though. Thats good stuff

  4. Due, I actually really like this poem alot. I like the line where you say you talk and walk like a robot, because that is how alot of people are, and tey need to get real.

  5. Eazy muthaeffing E,
    This poem... was horrible. I didn't understand one bit of it. It kept my interest though, which made it nice. I think that you should use the line "Cuz you never stop talking and i hate when you talk" in your next poem.
    Stay Classy.
    Papa Burgundy.
