Friday, February 19, 2010

Very Bad Poetry

Yo, yo, yo,
where'd you go?
i totally miss you so,
and its it not like your hot
you talk and walk like a robot.
Go back to sleep,
so i dont hear a peep,
cuz you never stop talking
and i hate when you talk
i promise.
so do me a favor,
buy some ice cream that has better flavor.
cuz this taste like crap,
and i dont eat ice cream that taste bad.
You'd know that if you knew me,
cuz im me and your not,
so keep dreaming,

Friday, February 12, 2010


M- Well hello there Ms. How are you doing today?
W- Just wonderful actually, it's such a beautiful day.
M- Indeed it is, almost as beautiful as you.
W- Well that's very cute of you, but get the hell away from me now or i'll call the cops.
M- Woah Woah calm down i'm just trying to be polite.
W- Ya that's how all men are when they want some.
M- Since when was it wrong to compliment a women.
W- It's not.... Sorry i just have had a rough past week with guys, so i'm kinda defensive now.
M- Well alright i get it, I was just trying to be nice though, ya know?
W- Ya i understand now, well anyways, what's your name?
M- My name is Phillip, and yours?
W- I'm Susan.
M- Well where are you from Susan?
W- I'm from the Bronx.
M- Well that's cool I'm from Brooklyn.
W- That's very nice, you should come down sometime and we could grab a bite to eat.
M- That sounds good to me, as long as you don't start screaming at me like you did earlier. (chuckles and laughter)
W- Oh boy your gonna use that against me for a while aren't you.
M- Oh of course, you have to admit you kind of over reacted.
W- Not True Ass Hole!
M- Woah chill, are you bipolar?
W- Why are you so rude all of the sudden?!?
M- I'm not gypsie.
W- I can't believe I ever talked to you.
M- Go rott in Hell whore.
W- Wow your so ridiculous.
(Then they seperated there ways and never saw each other again.)